You probably have a load of questions. Especially if you’ve never played with us before. We’ve tried our best to answer them below. Let's do this.

£4 across the board. £1 if you are of low income.
No questions asked. Football must be for everyone, and scrutinising or spot checking could put people off.
They don’t have to. Not even the volunteers need to know. Please contact us here and we’ll arrange for you to pay in a different way.
We usually like to take payment from you when you arrive at the venue via our card machine.
Water, a way to pay, appropriate footwear, appropriate clothing. Our venues tend to vary. Sometimes it’s grass, sometimes it’s astro turf, sometimes it’s the posh 4G stuff. Ask our organiser if you’re unsure what footwear would be best.
The rules change depending on the pitch and the number of players. We don’t really heavily enforce rules like offside or foul throws. We do like to make sure people are having fun, so if you’re being negative, diving into tackles, arguing with other players etc. then that’s generally frowned upon. Our matchday policy can be found here.
We just make it up as we go along to be honest.
Match day

On average, about 70% of all profits go directly towards filling cupboards in your local community.
See here for a more in-depth timeline of how we began.
We don’t traditionally fundraise at the moment. You won’t find us on JustGiving or any other crowdfunding platform. If you’re particularly keen on making a charitable donation, then get in touch with us here.
We’ll see what we can do. Feel free to get in touch with us here.
Get in touch with the head of your division and they should be able to hook you up.
You legend! Contact us here to get involved.
Possibly. Get in contact with us here and let us know where you are based.
Get in contact with us here.
Got more Questions?

Find your nearest branch here. Our weekly games will be published there.
All signups are currently through our Facebook groups. Typically a volunteer will make a post asking for players a couple of days before we play. Just pop a comment on that post saying that you’re keen.
We currently have games running across six different towns and cities; Sheffield, Manchester, Chesterfield, Milton Keynes, Northampton and Rotherham. Find your nearest branch here.
Matchday squads are posted on the day of the game. You should see your name in one of the team lineups, or a volunteer will let you know if you’re a reserve.
This is the most common question we get. Nobody wants to turn up and stick out like a sore thumb. We get that. It’s highly likely that you won’t be the youngest, the oldest, the tallest, the shortest, the least skillful, the quickest or the slowest player we’ve ever had. Even if you are, we encourage positive feedback so try not to be concerned about how good you are. Chances are though that you’ll fall into the middle of the pack.
Absolutely. We know it can be daunting to try something new. Just know that you won’t be the first player to join us having never played before (and we hope that you won’t be the last).
Please try to contact the matchday organiser on Facebook Messenger in the first instance. We’ll get you there.
We get that this will happen sometimes. Please please please please get in touch with the organiser as soon as possible. If we don’t find a replacement, it means less money goes to charity as well as the teams being unbalanced.
We’ve got a “three strikes within three months” rule. If you drop out three times on the day over the space of three months, that’s a permanent ban. Sorry for being tight, but like I said it’s the charity losing out.
Please get in touch with the organiser as soon as possible. No harm done.
Of course you can play, we have so many trans/non-binary players that play in whatever division they feel the most comfortable with. Pick what works best for you.